Obama took questions from kids at the Dodge Renaissance Academy, where his conference was held.
AP: A dozen grade schoolers got their own chance to quiz President-elect Barack Obama on Tuesday, getting an earful on such issues as longer school days, how it feels to be on television, and even the first puppy's "business."
The president-elect fielded more questions from the children than he did from the members of the press, who came to the school for a morning news conference where Obama announced Duncan as his education secretary.
Not all the children's questions were lighthearted. One child, who said a cousin was serving in Iraq, asked Obama about the troops overseas.
"One of the things that I promised I would do is to try to bring this war in Iraq to an end," Obama said, adding that he hoped to have them home in about a year and a half.
Another asked Obama what he would do to represent the efforts of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.
Obama said not just presidents, but everyone could do their part to honor King's work by treating people with respect and listening.
"Dr. King used to talk about the fact that, you know, no matter what your job is, you want to do your best," Obama said. "And right now you're job is to learn, so when you guys are in class you got to make sure you're working as hard as you can."