Monday, November 03, 2008

John Kerry Reminds Us Polls Are Just Pretty

Votes are the only thing that matters.
DK: Leave it all on the road. I see that that’s the slogan here, and as a competitive cyclist, I know the feeling. You can’t hold anything back, and you can’t take anything for granted.

The polls look good, but let me tell you, the early exit polls four years ago looked fantastic. But the cliché is true: polls don’t matter. Only votes do. And the large majority of those votes will be cast tomorrow. We have to do everything we possibly can to blow the Republican GOTV effort out of the water.

If we’re up by 4 in the polls in a state, we can win by 7. If we’re tied, we can win by 3. If we all do our best right now, we’ll not only win this election, but win the kind of mandate we need to actually change our country.
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