Fred Barnes, editor of The Weekly Standard, a conservative magazine, says early voting should be banned.
There are all these poor old people in line, he said, probably like the woman I talked to yesterday. She intended to get out today because she is older and doesn't get around as well as she used to and wanted to avoid longer lines on Nov. 4. She had a ride to her polling place --it was a matter of how long she could wait.
I talked to another woman yesterday who worked two jobs and was going to try and squeeze in voting. At least she had a few days to try and do that, not just one.
The republicans are all about exclusion. That's what I learned this election.
Republicans want people to only have one day, so they can sling their crap as long as possible. As if any of it matters. But it seems Americans have figured out their game this year. Fingers crossed that's truly the case.