Saturday, November 15, 2008

Church Says No Communion for Obama Voters

Can't these churchgoers see that this is so un-Christian. It is the opposite of being a Christian. In fact, what this reverend did-- telling Obama supporters they can't take Communion-- is somewhat evil. I can understand that they believe that abortion is wrong, but to fight evil with evil is not just stupid, it's un-Christian. Hello.
Really, do they think they're going to reduce abortions by taking the position of being morally superior?
This reverend, Jay Scott Newman, obviously has a little prejudice going on, and ought to be stripped of his preaching duties. These kinds of people give religion a really bad name.
CBS: Earlier this week, Newman said in a letter to parishioners at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenville that they are putting their souls at risk if they take Holy Communion without first doing penance for voting for the Democrat.

"Our nation has chosen for its chief executive the most radical pro-abortion politician ever to serve in the United States Senate or to run for president," Newman wrote, referring to Obama by his full name, including his middle name of Hussein.

"Voting for a pro-abortion politician when a plausible pro-life alternative exists constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil, and those Catholics who do so place themselves outside of the full communion of Christ's Church and under the judgment of divine law."

However, Laughlin wrote that Newman's statements "do not adequately reflect the Catholic Church's teachings."

"Christ gives us freedom to explore our own conscience and to make our own decisions while adhering to the law of God and the teachings of the faith," Laughlin wrote. "Therefore, if a person has formed his or her conscience well, he or she should not be denied Communion, nor be told to go to confession before receiving Communion."