Friday, October 03, 2008

Obama Suspends His Campaign

Obama suspends his campaign but not for some silly reason, like to pretend he's saving the day, but rather to spend some time with his wife to celebrate their anniversary. He's not really suspending his campaign either. He's got a rally tomorrow morning in Virginia.
CHICAGO – Senator Barack Obama “suspended” his campaign and returned home to Chicago on Friday night for personal reasons: to celebrate the 16th anniversary of his marriage to Michelle.

“You know what you guys could give us for our anniversary?” he asked reporters aboard his campaign plane late on Wednesday night. “Not have a camera pool outside of the restaurant, so that everybody knows that we’re there.”

Not that he let the anniversary pass unremarked.

“By the way,” he told several thousand people in Grand Rapids, Mich., on Thursday, noting that Ms. Obama was campaigning on the other side of the state, “tomorrow is our 16th anniversary so I’ve got this whole romantic dinner planned, and I think it should go pretty well. That’s my hope anyway. I’ve got a gift all picked out.”