nyt: Sensing an opportunity to shut down the nominating contest, Obama campaign advisers said that they were orchestrating an endorsement of Mr. Obama by at least eight Senate and House members who had pledged to remain uncommitted until the primaries ended, and that the endorsements would come the moment the South Dakota polls closed on Tuesday night.
The group will be led by Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, who on Monday met with three other uncommitted Democratic senators — Ken Salazar of Colorado, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware and Benjamin L. Cardin of Maryland — at the offices of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in what Mr. Salazar called a unity session.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Obama Securing Superdelegates for Nomination
can it be? over tonight? hillary has no scheduled travel this week and is in new york tonight, while obama will be in st. paul, minnesota, the site of the republican convention. enough superdelegates are expected to announce their support for obama tonight after polls close.