Thursday, May 15, 2008

Who Cares What Bush Says

apparently, bush said something stupid again today and tennessee republicans are attacking michelle obama. but really, is there anyone who gives one ioata what bush thinks, and aren't the republicans just losing right and left.

slamming obama isn't going to help the republicans, who are scared out of their wits. check out the wall street journal today, where there are about four different stories telling tales of republican woes. karl rove blabbers on about how the republicans need to stand for something. well, yeah.

what they don't get is it's not about winning a contest or staying in power, it's about doing the right thing for the american people. bush and the like have forgotten that. anything that mccain comes up with -- caring for the environment and poor people all of a sudden-- is just a ploy to win votes. he's see through.