Monday, May 05, 2008

Hillary Master Spinmeister

i got a chance to watch her on boy george stephanopolous' show on sunday and she's good. she's real good. she's smooth. i understand a bit why people support her because her voice kind of numbs you with her counts, "one, i'm going to ...." until you've forgotten the question. she darts to one side and then the other without you even knowing.

she spun the gas tax holiday so well that i almost was for it.

here's another reason why her supporters like her: people interpret her ruthlessness as tough. i guess we do sort of live in that kind of society, where spin and ruthlessness is all the rage.

nytimes: "We need a president who’s a fighter again,” Mrs. Clinton said at a rally on Thursday, adding that the next president must understand what it is like to “get knocked down and get back up: that’s the story of America, right?”

In recent days, Mrs. Clinton has chided the experts for “counting me out” and Senator Barack Obama for his inability to “close the deal” and declared that no one was going to make her quit. “She makes Rocky Balboa look like a pansy,” North Carolina’s governor, Michael F. Easley, said in endorsing her, and a union leader in Portage, Ind., praised her “testicular fortitude.”

This kind of language and pugilistic imagery, however, also evokes the baggage that makes Mrs. Clinton such a provocative political figure. For as much as a willingness to “do what it takes” and “die hard” are marketable commodities in politics, they can also yield to less flattering qualities, plenty of which have been ascribed to her over the years. Just as supporters praise her “toughness” and “tenacity,” critics also describe her as “divisive,” “a dirty fighter” or “willing to do anything to win.”