Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Favorite Comment of the Day 3

this comes from a story where abc news "investigative" team tries to link obama's retired pastor to obama's thoughts.

"I also heard his butcher is an atheist!!! Seriously if this is all the "dirt" they can dig up on Obama I'd say he is in pretty good shape to be the next President of the United States."
abc is simply exploiting people who don't know any better.
obama's former pastor makes his points in a passionate (for some, that is understated) manner. his points: that it's not right to kill innocent people, to start unnecessary wars, and rich, white people rule the world.
someone very close to me has foolish thoughts but they're family so i listen and love but i don't believe. i have my own mind.
obama has already proven that he doesn't think like his pastor. he's a level-headed person, who i've yet to see look frazzled or daunted.
so what's the purpose of this kind of "investigation?"
do they really think that obama has a secret agenda? that he and his fellow black people want to blow up america? i've read some people actually think that, but this is a supposed "legitimate" news network. all they're doing is inflaming the ignorant people who already see the world with a bigoted viewpoint.

Obama: the Un-Beholden President
Obama’s Pennsylvania Strategy
It’s Still Over for Clinton
Who Can Beat McCain?
My favorite comment of the day
My favorite comment of the day 2