Friday, March 14, 2008

Ferraro's Woman Glasses

geraldine ferraro is a good example of the staunch clinton supporter. all they can see is the prospect of the first woman president slipping away because of a black man. gender discrimination still tops color, they say.

that's how they see it because they have their woman glasses on. they are indignant. how could this be happening, they ask?

they don't see clinton's underhanded tactics. they don't see that insisting that counting florida and michigan's delegates is unfair no matter how you slice it.

at the same they don't see obama's talent because they haven't bothered to look. their eyes are on clinton. they can only see her her good qualities and her woman-ness and the prospect that finally, women will get what they've deserved after all this long haul of fighting for women's rights.

they are oblivious to obama's character, his fairness, his judgement and experience. so they fall back on their prejudices. it's easier that way. obama is where he is because he's black, they say.

ferraro just can't stop herself.