Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Obama's Schedule August 1

Times are eastern.

9:50 AM
Obama departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews.
10:05 AM
Obama departs Joint Base Andrews en route Mansfield, Ohio.
11:40 AM
Obama speaks at a campaign event at Mansfield Central Park.
2:30 PM
Obama departs Mansfield, Ohio en route Akron, Ohio.
3:00 PM
Obama arrives in Akron, Ohio.
3:55 PM
Obama speaks at a campaign event at the John S. Knight Center. Live stream
5:05 PM
Obama departs Akron, Ohio.
5:15 PM
Biden hosts a reception for the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues at the Naval Observatory.
6:15 PM
Obama arrives at Joint Base Andrews.
6:25 PM
Michelle Obama speaks at a campaign fundraising event in Raleigh, N.C.
6:30 PM
Obama arrives at the White House.
11:15 PM
Obama arrives in Mansfield, Ohio.

Economist on Romney's Trip: Horn-honking, Floppy-shoed Clown Show

To make matters worse, Mr Romney got his numbers wrong. Per capita income in Israel is over $31,000; in the Palestinian territories it is closer to $1,500. Those aren't the kinds of numbers that divide industrious Protestants from happy-go-lucky Catholics. They're the kind of numbers that divide South Korea from Ghana. You don't get those kinds of divisions because of cultural differences.

The reason most Palestinians have low third-world income levels is that they are born into impoverished towns or refugee camps inside the gerrymandered Bantustans of the Palestinian Authority, where border crossings are controlled by Israeli military authorities, water sources are tapped to feed Jewish settlements, Israeli-built infrastructure bypasses them, the education system is funded by paltry international contributions and paltrier taxes, agricultural land is periodically taken by Jewish settlers whose illegal seizures are retroactively approved by the government, land values are undermined because of the overhanging threat of expropriation by Israel, and on and on through all the savage indignities and economic violence of a 50-year-long occupation by people whose ultimate goal is to force you off as much of the territory as possible. Obviously, gross corruption by Palestinian officials and counterproductive political and economic attitudes on the part of Palestinian citizens, mainly typical adaptive behaviours that any people tend to develop when they're confined to massive donor-supported detention zones, have made the situation much worse. Palestine was not going to be a wealthy nation under any circumstances. But without the occupation they might have been as wealthy as, say, Jordanians, who have a per capita income (purchasing-power-adjusted) of $6,000. Read the whole thing

Why Are Republicans Inciting Division and Fear?

America is made up of idiots too and I guess they need representation.
Here's a thoughtful analysis in the Christian Science Monitor as to why the republicans are inciting fear:

By tapping into the powerful undercurrents of race and religion, Ms. Bachmann and others are using language to satisfy their immediate political ends, by dividing Americans and thereby America into pro- and anti-American parts. In a diverse country built by immigrants, why are some Republicans taking this divisive approach? At its most fundamental level, politics is about the creation of ideological communities where an individual can find a home. These political homes provide a sense of belonging and a safe place for individuals in a political and physical environment that can often seem hostile or confusing.


It appears that a small group of Americans have met these demographic changes with a mixture of fear and anxiety. America is changing too quickly and too uncomfortably for some, and it seems they have looked to their political home for reassurance and guidance.

It is this fear of the “un-American” that undergirds the persistent assertion by 17 percent of registered voters that President Obama is Muslim. Others label him a socialist. Such mistrust has also led to the ongoing “birther” movement – those who question the validity of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate, alleging he was born in Kenya. Republican celebrities like Donald Trump have at times tacitly or overtly endorsed such groups. Read it all

Romney's World Condescension Tour

When people show you who they are you should believe them. Romney didn't make gaffes. He was expressing his worldview, which isn't enlightened or sophisticated. For all his money and the supposed "success" that we always hear about, Romney's sort of a rube. He lacks an elevated level of thinking that's required of the presidency, especially during these volatile times. I believe it has to do with the fact that he's been very sheltered. I think his wealth, his privileged upbringing and his religion play a role in that. Remember how the press hammered Obama on his faith. I'd like to know how Romney's faith informs him, but we'll probably never know. In general, the press has really been soft on Romney, but the Romney camp does a great job of squirreling their guy away, and there isn't much the press can do about that.

Obama's Schedule July 31

Times are eastern. Not much on Obama's public schedule today.

10:30 AM
The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Local Event Time: 
10:30 AM EDT
Oval Office
Closed Press
Obama is related to John Punch, the first documented African slave in American history, according to Ancestry.com. Obama's also distantly related to George W. Bush and Brad Pitt:

Other Readings/videos of the day:

While at a holy site in Poland, Romney's aide tells a reporter to "kiss my ass." I'm not sure which side to take. If it was indeed a holy site, then the reporters were being obnoxious, but then again, they're not getting their questions answered. If it was a holy site, then "kiss my ass" isn't exactly respectful, honorable or classy.

Romney's "magical mystery tour:"

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Readout: Obama's Call With Turkey's PM Erdogan

President Obama and Prime Minister Erdogan spoke by telephone today to coordinate efforts to accelerate a political transition in Syria, which would include the departure of Bashar al-Assad and be responsive to the legitimate demands of the Syrian people. The two leaders shared their growing concerns about the Syrian regime’s ruthless attacks against its own people, most recently in Aleppo, and the deteriorating humanitarian conditions throughout Syria as a result of the regime’s atrocities. The two pledged to coordinate efforts to assist the growing numbers of displaced Syrians, not only within Syria, but in Turkey and the broader region. The President acknowledged the generosity of the Turkish people in hosting so many Syrians who have fled their homes in search of safety in Turkey. They agreed that U.S. and Turkish teams would remain in close contact on ways that Turkey and the United States can work together to promote a democratic transition in Syria. The Prime Minister also conveyed his personal condolences for the tragedy in Colorado.

India "Didn't Build That"

This is a prime example of what Obama meant, contrary to what lying Mitt said Obama said. Today in India 370 million (more than the population of the US) people were without power. Businesses suffered. Why? Because India "didn't build that." It hasn't invested in its power grid in a way that people and business can count on.
Many chafed at the inconvenience.

Amit Naik, a toy maker in New Delhi, was forced to close his workshop for the day.

"There was no water, so my machine couldn't run. Other people had the same difficulties," he said.

The Confederation of Indian Industry said the outage was a reminder of the urgent need for the government to fix the power sector, ensure a steady supply of coal for power plants and reform the electricity utilities. ABC News

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Obama's Schedule July 30

Times are eastern.

11:10 AM
Obama receives the presidential daily briefing.
12:30 PM
White House Press Briefing.
1:45 PM
Obama participates in an Ambassador Credentialing Ceremony.
3:30 PM
Obama departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews.
3:45 PM
Obama departs Joint Base Andrews en route New York City.
4:40 PM
Obama arrives in New York City.
8:05 PM
Obama speaks at a campaign event at the NoMad Hotel, New York City.
9:35 PM
Obama departs New York City en route Joint Base Andrews.
10:30 PM
Obama arrives at Joint Base Andrews.
10:45 PM
Obama arrives at the White House.

Michelle Obama Hugs Entire US Olympic Men's Basketball Team

Our Hugging FLOTUS hugs the team and the coaches. Watch.

More Olympic moments with Michelle Obama: FLOTUS with gymnast and Apolo Ohno:

NBC Sports interview:

Olympic wrestler picks up FLOTUS:

FLOTUS with Venus and Serena

FLOTUS gets a gift from the Manchester United soccer team:

Before heading back to the US today, after doing us proud, FLOTUS meets military families stationed at Mildenhall and Lakenheath US Air Force Base

Romney States Obama's Iran Policy Using a Fear Mongering Tack

In Israel, Romney stated Obama's policy on Iran, only he used inflammatory language and he emphasized war. That's the difference between an adult and someone who's insecure.

Romney shouldn't be doing Netanyahu's bidding. All is not what it appears. In fact, Israel is considered the No. 1 spy threat to the US, according to an AP report.
In other Romney news, he's expected to pick a vice presidential candidate when he returns from his disastrous foreign policy tour (watch). I would tend to agree, it's going to be Paul Ryan. Be warned, the video also contains Cheney, who admits Palin was a mistake. She was more than a mistake. The GOP should have to spend eight years in the penalty box for even introducing her.
The ABC news guy says Cheney is back, new heart and all (he must have the best healthcare in the whole wide world) and ready to launch attacks against Obama. In a progressive nation, Cheney would be shunned.
In another ABC clip, the Romney camp says the election won't be about gaffes. If only it was just gaffes. It's more than that. Romney is a candidate who is woefully unprepared and not worldly enough to be president

If Netanyahu was smart, he'd be working on his relationship with Obama, not schmoozing with Mitt.

Romney's speech in Israel. Romney's voice, Netanyahu's words. Do we really want a president who can be easily manipulated by world leaders?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Romney Breaks Protocol at Jerusalem Fundraiser with Sheldon Adelson

Update July 29: Romney reverses course, will allow media.

Las Vegas casino mogul, billionaire Sheldon Adelson (owner of the Venetian, Las Vegas Sands Corp.), is hosting Romney at a fundraiser in Jerusalem. Adelson has vowed to spend upwards of $100 million to try and elect Mitt. Romney is now banning media from the fundraiser, breaking pre-established protocol. Romney, however, did do an interview, ripping Obama in Sheldon Adelson-owned Israeli newspaper, Hayom. Mitt's smiling face is on the cover. Here's Mitt banning the media:
Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, who touched down here Saturday night for a day of meetings with top Israeli and Palestinian leaders, plans to wrap up his visit to Israel by collecting money from some of his biggest benefactors behind closed doors.

Some of Romney’s Jewish donors are flying here from the United States to attend the Jerusalem fundraiser, including Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who has pledged to personally give tens of millions of dollars to a pro-Romney super PAC.

But Romney’s campaign announced Saturday that it would block the news media from covering the event, which will be held at the King David Hotel. The campaign’s decision to close the fundraiser to the press violates the ground rules it negotiated with news organizations in April, when Romney wrapped up the Republican nomination and began opening some of his finance events to the news media. Read more at WaPo
During Mitt's trip to Israel, he's expected to threaten war against Iran as a way to boost his foreign policy cred. He's already done as much in the US.
Romney means a return to the Bush foreign policy. Romney means more war. Sheldon Adelson, who will have helped Romney to buy the White House, would see to that. No man can spend as much money as Adelson is spending and expect nothing in return.

Adelson needs to start paying attention to his business, not Mitt Romney. His profits are waning significantly.

Furthermore, Romney is aligning himself with a possible criminal. Sheldon Adelson is under investigation for possibly breaking this law:
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, 15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1, et seq. ("FCPA"), was enacted for the purpose of making it unlawful for certain classes of persons and entities to make payments to foreign government officials to assist in obtaining or retaining business. Specifically, the anti-bribery provisions of the FCPA prohibit the willful use of the mails or any means of instrumentality of interstate commerce corruptly in furtherance of any offer, payment, promise to pay, or authorization of the payment of money or anything of value to any person, while knowing that all or a portion of such money or thing of value will be offered, given or promised, directly or indirectly, to a foreign official to influence the foreign official in his or her official capacity, induce the foreign official to do or omit to do an act in violation of his or her lawful duty, or to secure any improper advantage in order to assist in obtaining or retaining business for or with, or directing business to, any person. DoJ
Adelson is stalling, trying to get Romney elected first:
In the second installment of their series on a federal investigation into Casino magnate and Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson, ProPublica and Frontline focus on how difficult his company has made it for investigators to get their hands on information about its Macau operation. The subject matter here is dense, but it could have big consequences: Adelson and Sands are under investigation for possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. If the feds prove their case before November's election, the biggest single donor on the Republican side could turn out to be in violation of federal law, an embarrassing blow to the Romney campaign. (There were reports two days ago that Adelson might join Romney for his visit to Israel next week.) Frontline and ProPublica's reporting paints a picture of a company doing everything it can to slow an investigation down. the Atlantic
An argument could be made that Adelson needs Mitt to win to make the investigation go away. You won't find anyone in the media asking about Adelson's influence over Romney, or even if Mitt has investments in Adelson's businesses. Mitt has the media exactly where he wants it -- in the dark.

Fascinating story on how Israel isn't really our bestest ally.

Meanwhile, Ann Romney is in pursuit of Gold:

Is it possible to get too much of this video of "Mitt the Twit" in London?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Photos: Michelle Obama With US Olympic Team

Watch Michelle Obama give Team USA a pep talk.
Doing what our FLOTUS does best! More photos at Daily Mail.

Michelle Obama at a Let's Move! event in London with David Beckham:

West Wing Week July 27

A rundown of Obama's week:

Fact: Winston Churchill Bust Resides at White House

Lookie there! Obama & PM Cameron looking at Churchill at the White House

Unbeknownst to Romney, many in the media and republicans, Winston Churchill's bust resides at the White House. At a fundraiser Mitt said:
"I'm looking forward to the bust of Winston Churchill being in the Oval Office again,"
ABC didn't call him out on it. It's just another fumble for Romney. From the White House:
Lately, there’s been a rumor swirling around about the current location of the bust of Winston Churchill. Some have claimed that President Obama removed the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office and sent it back to the British Embassy.

Now, normally we wouldn’t address a rumor that’s so patently false, but just this morning the Washington Post’s Charles Krauthammer repeated this ridiculous claim in his column. He said President Obama “started his Presidency by returning to the British Embassy the bust of Winston Churchill that had graced the Oval Office.”

This is 100% false. The bust still in the White House. In the Residence. Outside the Treaty Room.

News outlets have debunked this claim time and again. First, back in 2010 the National Journal reported that “the Churchill bust was relocated to a prominent spot in the residence to make room for Abraham Lincoln, a figure from whom the first African-American occupant of the Oval Office might well draw inspiration in difficult times.” Read the rest at White House Blog


This is running around on Twitter, not sure who created it, but hat tip!

I feel a bit sorry for Mitt until I look at the videos of him lying about Obama. Mitt's headlines in the UK:

Just for fun, here's the London Mayor calling Romney out by name in front of 60,000 people:

Video: Michelle Obama Leading the US Olympic Delegation in London

Another awesome reminder of why FLOTUS is fabulous... She talks about what the Olympics might mean for a kid. In all the Romney camp blunderings, I nearly forgot Michelle Obama was leading the US delegation.

Britain has been planning for seven years. FLOTUS appears in this video, in London supporting US Olympic athletes:

Obama Upstages Romney Announcing $70 Million in Funding to Israel

Romney's taking his blundering self to Israel. He won't say much about Obama's foreign policy while he's there. He seems to be sticking to the rule that you don't criticize the president from another country. But in the US, he's been going around blah blah blah-ing that Obama is distancing our allies, especially Israel, which is far, far from the truth.

Press Secretary Jay Carney said this bill was passed by Congress a month ago and given to Obama to sign a week ago.

What Romney has said:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Obama's Schedule July 27

Times are eastern.

9:40 AM
Obama and Biden receive the presidential daily briefing.
10:15 AM
Obama signs the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act.
11:00 AM
Obama and Biden meet with Ambassador Crocker.
11:30 AM
Obama and Biden meet with Hillary Clinton.
White House Press Briefing.
1:10 PM
Obama attends a campaign event at the Jefferson Hotel, in Washington, D.C.
1:15 PM
Biden attends a campaign event in Washington, D.C.
4:45 PM
Obama departs the White House en route McLean, Virginia.
4:55 PM
Obama arrives in McLean, Virginia.
5:25 PM
Obama attends a campaign event.
7:35 PM
Obama delivers remarks at a campaign event.
8:25 PM
Obama departs McLean, Virginia en route the White House.
8:35 PM
Obama arrives at the White House.

Good reads/video today: 

Romney's campaign tries to put the pieces back together.  I have to admit, the British press is far more colorful than the US press. 

Despite being conservative like Romney, British leaders are with Obama.  Sorry, Mitt.

New GDP report is out. I wish more people would read these darned things so they'd have a better grasp of the economy, rather than getting their information from politicians.

Krugman says the economy is struggling do to premature austerity. 
And yes, business appears to be doing fine.

The Dow is above the 13K mark. 

Here's a list of the billionaires who are trying to buy the 2012 election.

Why did Mitt make such an arse of himself in England? Seems his natural arrogance got the best of him.

How the series of blunders by the Romney camp will affect Romney. Think the Presidential debate.

A little off topic, but interesting: The reasons why the Olympic volleyball team will continue to wear bikinis even though they don't have to. Hello, they're athletes. 

White House Press Briefing July 26

At the top, Jay Carney talks about how the U.S. has worked with the UK on Olympic security. He also says Obama has the "utmost confidence in our close friend and ally, the UK, as they finalize preparations to host the London Olympics."

Romney Reiterates: He Doesn't Support New Gun Control Laws

From London, Romney makes the NRA smile:

Cameron Digs Back at Romney

The headline in the UK: "PM Delivers Olympic Putdown to Romney." Mitt's learning the hard way that even "anglo saxon" relations needs diplomacy.
Mitt Romney’s carefully choreographed trip to London caused a diplomatic stir when he called the British Olympic preparations “disconcerting” and questioned whether Londoners would turn out to support the Games.

“The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging,” Mr. Romney said in an interview with NBC on Wednesday.

That prompted a tart rejoinder from the British prime minister, David Cameron. “We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere,” an allusion to Salt Lake City, which hosted Games that Mr. Romney oversaw. NYT
In London, Romney apparently ignored American press, answering only British press questions -- a Romney survival technique -- Don't answer questions, be secretive. Romney, only gone for a day, seems to be getting attention only for his slip ups.

Romney tells a group of supporters at a fundraiser in London: "I'm looking forward to the bust of Winston Churchill being in the Oval Office again," per tweet by AP reporter Kasie Hunt.

In London, Romney's taking money from bankers implicated in the LIBOR scandal.
LIBOR explained. Essentially banks were rigging interest rates among themselves, which affects loan rates of regular people.

Yikes! London Mayor really socks it to Romney. Here's video.

Barclays bank is told to stop its fundraising for Romney.

A scathing review of Romney's trip that has only just begun.

When he was supposed to be secretive, Romney tells the public of secret meeting with British MI6 (like the CIA) spy chief.

Team Romney says Americans don't pay attention to foreign press. Sadly, that's probably true. Other countries know more about our foreign policy than Americans do. They clearly have a pretty good idea who Mitt Romney is. But could the average American even name the British prime minister?

Cameron's response is even more delightful in video:

Poor clueless Romney, says attacks on his "success" will not be successful:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Obama's Schedule July 26

Times are eastern.

11:00 AM
The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Local Event Time: 
11:00 AM EDT
Oval Office
Closed Press
11:30 AM
The President meets with Secretary Shinseki
Local Event Time: 
11:30 AM EDT
Oval Office
Closed Press
12:30 PM
The President and the Vice President meet for lunch
Local Event Time: 
12:30 PM EDT
Private Dining Room
Closed Press
2:10 PM
The President holds a Cabinet Meeting
Local Event Time: 
2:10 PM EDT
Cabinet Meeting
Pool Spray at the Top
4:45 PM
The President and the Vice President meet with Secretary Panetta
Local Event Time: 
4:45 PM EDT
Oval Office
Closed Press

Reads/video for the day:

Super rich keep their money in tax havens, a CNNMoney report.

Is it dangerous to talk about the "middle class," pretend as if it doesn't exist, like we pretend the poor don't exist?

Raw video: Romney meets with British PM Cameron. They talk Olympics.

In London, Romney ignores American press, takes only British press questions.

Apparently Mitt is lying about his relationship with Netanyahu.

Obama's Statement on Senate Passage of Middle Class Tax Cuts

With the Senate’s vote, the House Republicans are now the only people left in Washington holding hostage the middle-class tax cuts for 98% of Americans and nearly every small business owner. The last thing a typical middle class family can afford is a $2,200 tax hike at the beginning of next year. It’s time for House Republicans to drop their demand for another $1 trillion giveaway to the wealthiest Americans and give our families and small businesses the financial security and certainty that they need. Our economy isn’t built from the top-down, it’s built from a strong and growing middle class, and that’s who we should be fighting for.

Romney's Interview with Brian Williams July 25

Romney can't confirm he's looking for a "incredibly boring white guy" as his VP. He didn't push back against that question at all. He also said we need a president who "buries the hatchet." Ha. Ha. That's a good one.

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2012 Presidential Debate Schedule

Update Aug. 24: The Warren forum was cancelled. Rick Warren says it's because the campaign is toxic. The campaigns say it was because they didn't think it was in their best interest. Warren, after all, has publicly differentiated between Mormons and Christians, so it wasn't in Romney's best interest.

Via Election Central:

October 3, 2012 Air Time TBD
Location: University of Denver in Denver, Colorado
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

October 11, 2012
Vice Presidential Air Time TBD
Location: Centre College in Danville, Kentucky
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: Vice President Biden and the GOP Vice Presidential nominee

October 16, 2012 Air Time TBD
Location: Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

October 22, 2012 Air Time TBD
Location: Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

Other planned debates include a forum at Saddleback Church with pastor Rick Warren as moderator. No date has been announced yet.

Slate has a roundup of the debate formats, which includes a town hall style.

Republicans: Government Didn't Create Internet

A recent Wall Street Journal OPINION piece said Xerox invented the Internet, not government. And now republicans are denying history and basic facts for political ends. It's become an all too familiar trend in the republican camp.
I imagine republicans are trying to support Romney's lie about Obama, when Obama said business needs infrastructure, things such as roads and broadband, in order to conduct business, common good things. Romney selectively edited Obama's words and has been going around saying that Obama doesn't think entrepreneurs build things, which is ridiculous in itself.

Crovitz is right that Vinton Cerf, along with Bob Kahn, invented the TCP/IP protocol that is the foundation of the modern Internet. But he neglects to mention that Cerf's early work on the protocol was funded by the US military through its DARPA program. "Hyperlinks" are not the Internet, and Tim Berners-Lee didn't invent them. Nor is the World Wide Web the Internet, although the Web has become such a popular Internet application that many people confuse the two. But more to the point, Berners-Lee was working at CERN, a research organization funded by European governments, when he invented the World Wide Web in the early 1990s. Arstechnica
The government did create the Internet. 

Xerox doesn't claim it invented the Internet.

Romney's five worse "you didn't build that" moments.

Romney's lying. Republicans are lying. That is a fact:

An Obama Favorite: The Life of Pi

Obama's letter to the author (2010) via Letters of Note:
It is a great book, and now Life of Pi is a movie: 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Obama's Schedule July 25

Times are eastern.

12:25 PM
The President departs Seattle, Washington en route to New Orleans, Louisiana
Local Event Time: 
9:25 AM PDT
Boeing Field
Open Press
4:25 PM
The President arrives in New Orleans, Louisiana
Local Event Time: 
3:25 PM CDT
Louis Armstrong International Airport
Closed Press
4:50 PM
The President attends a campaign event
Local Event Time: 
3:50 PM CDT
Private Residence
Closed Press
6:45 PM
The President delivers remarks at a campaign event
Local Event Time: 
5:45 PM CDT
The House of Blues
Pooled TV, Open to Correspondents
8:00 PM
The President delivers remarks the National Urban League convention
Local Event Time: LIVE STREAM
7:00 PM CDT
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Open Press
9:25 PM
The President departs New Orleans, Louisiana en route to Joint Base Andrews
Local Event Time: 
8:25 PM CDT
Louis Armstrong International Airport
Open Press
11:40 PM
The President arrives at Joint Base Andrews
Local Event Time: 
11:40 PM EDT
Travel Pool Coverage
11:55 PM
The President arrives at the White House
Local Event Time: 
11:55 PM EDT
South Lawn
Open Press

Good reads/video today:

Romney is in London, raising campaign funds, and unions are offering rewards to locate his two private fundraisers there.

Read the Boston Mayor's letter to Chick-fil-A.

Romney's camp once again refer to Russia as the Soviet Union.